Causes of joint pain - diagnosis and types, treatment with drugs and folk remedies

Bone joints react very sensitively to intoxication of the organism. Any infection or illness, nervousness and other factors can cause pain. Uncomfortable sensations, in themselves, do not yet indicate the presence of diseases in the body. Sometimes pain occurs as a result of injury or overload, while ailments are manifested in the form of sharp pain sensations. What to do when the joints hurt, what are the reasons why the body hurts?

What is joint pain

causes of joint pain

In medical terms, pain in the joints is called arthralgia. It develops when the nerve endings of the synovial bag are affected. Constant pain is the first indicator of bone disease. It worsens the quality of life, the emotional background. Self-medication can lead to the transition of the disease to a chronic form, with even greater damage. The main symptom of arthralgia is periodic flare-ups of aching pain.

How joints hurt

Pain in itself is not a disease, it is just a symptom of other conditions - both infectious and non-infectious. The perception of the sensation of joint pain depends on the state of the nervous system. A balanced body hardly reacts to slight discomfort, and an emotionally unstable body has a low pain threshold. Pain in strength and duration can be characterized as follows:

  • tolerant - intolerant;
  • weak - strong;
  • pointed - chronic;
  • common - rare;
  • fast pass - long duration.

If the joints hurt for more than a month, this is considered a chronic form. With the right treatment, it goes away for a while (remission stage), and then reappears (exacerbation stage). The joints can be provoked by a sharp drop in ambient temperature, physical overload of the body, poor diet, excess weight and frequent stressful situations.

Why do they hurt

The causes of joint pain may be hidden in ongoing pathological processes (stretching, inflammation, metabolic disorders). This is typical for diseases such as synovitis, arthritis, gout, osteoarthritis, etc. Various factors can cause discomfort, thanks to which you can determine the risk group:

  • over 50 years old;
  • genetic predisposition;
  • congenital malformations;
  • chronic diseases;
  • injuries;
  • fractures;
  • sex (women are more often affected);
  • periods when a person becomes overweight.

Why do the joints hurt in the limbs where there is connective tissue? This may be due to impaired blood flow in the synovium. Pain and stiffness in movement can also occur with an unbalanced diet. The diet should be rich in essential vitamins and minerals (calcium, phosphorus, boron). Another reason why all the joints hurt at the same time which a person suffers from is an inactive lifestyle.

Why do the whole body and joints hurt

Pain in most joints of the body can have different origins. The most common reason is increased physical exertion, after which pleasant fatigue is felt (ankle joint - painful legs when walking, shoulders). This can also happen in connection with:

  • infections with fever (infectious arthritis, a virus that affects the hip joint);
  • intestinal inflammation;
  • disorders of the hematopoietic system;
  • intoxication;
  • autoimmune inflammatory processes;
  • exacerbation of arthritis or osteoarthritis;
  • rheumatism
  • .

All joints and spine hurt

The main cause of this phenomenon is considered to be a dysfunction of the metabolism of the cartilage. This is accompanied by a loss of smoothness, they become rough, lose synovial joint fluid, and cracks are formed. The deformation process can be caused by the following reasons:

  • sedentary lifestyle;
  • professional sports;
  • injuries;
  • advanced infections, inflammatory diseases;
  • hypothermia;
  • stress;
  • sudden jumps in body weight.

Knees and elbows

These parts of the body are made up of a junction of several bones (joint) covered with cartilage tissue. A characteristic lesion can be present on both one side and simultaneously on two. The knees and elbows have little muscle and fat and are palpable. It is easy for an experienced doctor to recognize the cause of the disease (osteoarthritis of the knee joint, acute arthritis of the shoulder joints, rheumatoid arthritis, etc. ). It could be:

  • chronic inflammation of the synovial ducts;
  • trauma
  • ;
  • changes due to deterioration of cartilage, deformation of joints;
  • systemic disease;
  • obesity.


why the joints hurt and what to do

In order for the rheumatologist to make the correct diagnosis and prescribe the appropriate treatment, an analysis of the painful symptoms that bother him is carried out, a diagnosis using all the necessary instrumental techniques. The nature of the pathology and its location are determined using:

  • radiography;
  • Ultrasound examination
  • ;
  • tomography
  • ;
  • arthroscopy
  • ;
  • arthrocentesis
  • ;
  • studies of synovial fluid.


The methods and methods of treating joints are different for each individual case. They are divided into therapeutic (including surgery, massage, physiotherapy, exercise) and alternative (alternative methods of traditional medicine). What method of treatment to use for joint pain, the doctor decides after a comprehensive examination of the patient, taking into account his individual characteristics, the level of restriction of mobility.

Traditional treatment

This method is aimed at reducing inflammatory processes in joint tissues and joint membrane. The drugs do not remove the problem, but only relieve pain in the damaged joint cavity. To do this, use nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs NSAIDs (ointments, tablets, injections).

Traditional methods

Before using traditional methods, you should definitely consult a doctor. The following methods are popular and effective:

traditional methods of treating joint pain
  • Bay leaf. To prepare a remedy, 30 leaves are needed, pour 0, 5 liters of boiling water, boil for 5 minutes. Insist on the resulting broth for 3 hours and start drinking for 12 hours. Repeat the procedure for 3 days, then take a 7-day break. The course should not be repeated more than 2 times a year.
  • Gelatin. A compress should be made from this substance: a towel is immersed in hot water, squeezed, soaked in gelatin, folded in layers and applied to the skin overnight, after wrapping it with cling film. It is useful to take gelatin internally.
  • Rice. Boiled rice removes salts, which can be identified by the characteristic crunchiness. First of all, it should be soaked in water - the longer it is, the better, periodically emptying it. The dish is eaten on an empty stomach, without salt, for 40 days.